If you want a golden rule that will fit everybody, this is it: Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful. ~ William Morris

08 May, 2017

Delphinium, Queen of the Blue Flowers

Photo from Flower Meaning a website worth touring for more interesting flower facts.
From the February 1925 Better Homes and Gardens

'You simply cannot resist the charm of a blue garden queened over by delphinium or hardy larkspur. A favorite blue flower of our grandmothers' gardens, it has, fashionably speaking, come back into style with the introduction of English hybrids which have made possible a wider range of color and a continuous blooming season.

"Blue flowers," an old woman from whom I used to buy flowers on the streets always called them, and she knew them by no other name.  True, perennial larkspur may also have pink and white but its real fascination lies in the blues, both delicate and intense, which it is capable of producing.  There are flower spikes of a clear turquoise so beautiful that they seem almost ethereal; others that are like nothing so much as a May sky; and the gentian and dark, almost purplish-blue, that is sometimes called the "old fashioned."  This whole range of color is possible from a package of the English hybrid delphinium seed.

If you are looking for something to make a particularly interesting spot in your garden or that "just right" clump by the garden gate, choose delphinium.  It may be used as a partial hedge between lots or grouped with hollyhocks and canterbury bells against a back fence border.  Or try a little colony of madonna lillies and Delphinium belladonna in the house border where can enjoy them intimately in mid-June.'

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