If you want a golden rule that will fit everybody, this is it: Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful. ~ William Morris

25 May, 2017

A Visit to Sonnenberg Gardens

Located not very far from me in beautiful Canandaigua, New York is Sonnenberg Gardens.  Built in 1887, it is a place my family and I visit frequently throughout the year and I never tire of it.  This will not be last post on this wonderful place.  
From their website, it is 'One of the most treasured landmarks of our region, Sonnenberg Gardens, greets 35,000 visitors annually and has been doing so since it opened its doors to the public in 1973. Visitors from all over the globe come to enjoy the relaxing nature and beauty of its gardens. Many also come to learn about the history of this unique place and its original owners, Frederick and Mary Clark Thompson.'

This post is about my very favorite part of the garden, the statuary.  I am absolutely in love with old stone work.  Its beauty only gets more intriguing over time.  One can only wonder at the things they have seen over time or if perhaps, in some Narnian way, they come alive now and again.

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