If you want a golden rule that will fit everybody, this is it: Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful. ~ William Morris

09 June, 2017

Scenes From the Garden ~ Planting Ahead

Scenes From The Garden

This unassuming rather sad looking stick is one of four apple trees I've planted this year.  Two Northern Spy (circa early 1800s), a Westfield Seek-No-Further (circa 1700s) and a Ginger Gold (although it originates from the 1960s -- a bit later than I would prefer, it was a suitable partner for pollination).  I have babied these transplants as though they were my own children, fussed over them, nursed them, watered them and in general experienced what could be described as mild gardeners anxiety over them.  They are finally starting to bud.  I have blueberry bushes, hazelnuts and hardy fig trees arriving later this week.

It's easy to feel discouraged in the early years, when the idea that no fruit will appear for 2-3 years.  However, I keep picturing the future in my mind--a vision of someday walking out into my own little orchard and plucking heirloom apples from branches in my own backyard.  I try hard to plant heirloom and old varieties wherever I can.  If not solely for my love of old things and desire to preserve them, then solely for the variety and health offered to the bees, hummingbirds and wildlife.

This is one of two flowering quince (Chaenomeles x superba Cameo or Japanese Quince) that I hope will someday bear fruit.  They are ancient in Asia and came to Europe around the 1800s and when it came to America, I do not know.  This is a gorgeous colored one and the earliest to flower in spring.  Click on my Instagram to see a photo in bloom.  It is a stunning showstopper that I saw in my neighbor's hedge and coveted with an envy so strong it was nearly illegal.  So I found out what it was, and ordered two for myself.  So there.

These two interesting fungi are growing on a tree stump I refused to remove from the yard.  Aside from making a lovely table for bird feeders, it is slowly going back into the earth as intended, providing a home and food for many inhabitants.

Attempting a few different flowers from seed.

This was the first year I've ever intentionally released Ladybugs.  Aside from being highly beneficial to the environment, it was an excellent home school exercise for my son.

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