If you want a golden rule that will fit everybody, this is it: Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful. ~ William Morris

15 June, 2017

Peonies and Ants ~ A Symbiotic Relationship

They say it is only a legend that the peonies need the ants to open, and that the reason for the ants visiting is that the peonies emit a sticky sap and nectar which the ants feed off of for a short time before and during opening.

I believe the two were designed to work together.  As long as a legend does no harm, 
I'll always choose the legend over reality because a good story is food for the soul.

Either way, 
once a year I am blessed to be able to enjoy an entire row of these luscious, creamy, sweet smelling flowers, indoors and out.

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